What We Do

Strategic Advisory Services

Transformation is the name of the Game

· Evaluating the readiness of the Environment

· Challenging the strategic direction

· Advising on re-engineering processes

· Revising the organizational structure

· Assessing the infrastructure

· Planning the cultural transformation steps

· Measuring results

  •  Assessing the Status Quo
  •  Challenging the strategic direction
  •  Creative Ideating

  •  From Control to Empowerment
  •  From traditional paradigm to high performance Paradigm

· Defining purpose
· Forming an agile team
· Allowing 7 days for creative ideating; and agile iterating
· Allowing 7 days for prototyping
· Allowing 7 days for testing
· Go to market shall follow according to plan

Corporate Development Program

How do we Coach Executives?

  1. Assessment:
    • Assess areas of strength and areas of improvement


    • A comprehensive report to identify
    • Areas of strengths and areas of improvement
    • Key contributions of the applicant
    • Key motivational elements
  2. One on One Coaching Sessions
    • 60 minutes of a personal one on one meeting; whereby we clarify reality using the P60 the Self Assessment tool and active questioning


    • A Performance Plan on key objectives and goals to be achieved within a certain time frame to be agreed upon

  3. Coaching Plan-measurable goals
  4. 5 Coaching Sessions with the following steps:

    • Exploring possibilities while training; coaching and mentoring
    • Planning actions- based on Goals setting and KPIs approach
    • Identifying obstacles
    • Establishing commitment and accountability for actions
    • Monitoring progress
    • Each Coaching Session will be for 60 minutes
    • Each Coaching Session will be either in person or online
    • Timing between sessions will be 2-3 weeks.
  5. Measuring Progress
  6. Measuring Progress is a Results-oriented approach Through:

    1. A 360 Feedback Assessment that involves different stakeholders
    2. A Status report on the KPIs agreed upon

Team Development Program

Why Teams?

High Performance teams are more than a group of people working together to accomplish a common task. They share a common vision and purpose that inspires their performance.
They feel accountable for their work. They solve problems, make decisions and act like full partners in the business.
When you attend this program you will learn, from foremost experts in the field, how to create a team environment that results in outstanding performance.

What You Will Do:

  • Gain an understanding of how teams differ from traditional work groups
  • Create a team charter that includes a clear statement of your team’s purpose, operating guidelines, performance objectives and an ideal team vision
  • Learn good meeting management skills, critique your meeting effectiveness and develop action plans to improve your meetings
  • Identify your team’s customer requirements and how these guide team performance
  • Analyze and streamline the core work of the team
  • Clarify team member roles and responsibilities and ensure greater accountability
  • Set up systems for measuring your performance, setting goals and tracking progress

Topics Include:

  • Fundamentals of High-Performance Teams
  • The Team Charter
  • Effective Meetings
  • Customer Focus
  • Managing the Process
  • Team Member Roles & Responsibilities
  • Setting Goals & Keeping Score

Organizations that value Project Management as a strategic tool recognize the value of learning about the following:

  • Identifying resources for the project
  • Providing direction, coordination, and integration to the project team
  • Managing a diverse set of project stakeholders
  • Project Managers are dependent upon others for technical answers
  • Who is responsible for performance and success of the project
  • When to induce the right people at the right time to address the right issues and make the right decisions

In this Program Project Managers and their Project Teams will learn:

  • What is project management
  • How to define a project
  • Building a successful project team
  • What it takes to plan a project
  • Monitoring a project
  • Best practices for auditing a project
  • Project performance measurement
  • How to close a project

Skills for High Performance Teamwork consists of seven modules, usually delivered a week apart. Each module contains exercises to make the training come alive and ensure application back home. It is designed to be fun and dynamic as well as educational.

Participants Will Come Away:

  • Valuing perspectives different from their own
  • Knowing how to listen and understand other points of views
  • Understanding the importance of two-way communication
  • Being committed to giving and receiving constructive feedback with other team members
  • Handling conflicts directly and in a win-win way
  • Looking below the surface to diagnose and improve how the team is really operating
  • Conducting excellent discussions and making effective decisions
  • Understanding several skills for solving technical problems together

Topics Include:

  • Basic Communication
  • Giving & Receiving Feedback
  • Group Dynamics
  • Team Decision Making
  • Team Problem Solving
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Time Management

Individual Coaching

Managing Change

We believe that the most successful organizations help their employees understand the importance of developing effective change management skills for personal and professional success.
Change is a constant, challenging part of the workplace environment. Taking time to improve your skills is a worthwhile investment in your self-development.
Organizations that value change management as a strategic tool recognize the value of learning

Topics Include:

  • Change
  • The change process
  • Developing change resilience
  • Enhancing your change management skills

Leading Others Through Change

Organizations in today’s chaotic business environment recognize that the ability to effectively manage change is not only a strategic advantage, but also an essential aspect to doing business successfully in the 21st century.
Leaders need to be aware of their attitudes toward and abilities for leading others through organizational change. It takes both effort and practice to develop effective change leadership skills, but the payoff will be worth it.

Topics Include:

  • Leadership & change
  • Helping others manage change
  • Becoming a change leader
  • Enhancing change skills

What You Will Do

During the program you will:

  • Learn a model for understanding your organization
  • Do a comprehensive assessment of the current performance of your organization
  • Benchmark your organization in relation to others within your community/industry
  • Develop a shared understanding of your greatest strengths and weaknesses
  • Target and prioritize the top opportunities for change
  • Develop detailed improvement plans

Structure and Format

This is a very hands-on program. During each module, you will:

  • Learn the meaning of one of the seven elements of an organization’s performance
  • Divide into small groups to assess your organization’s performance on this element
  • Get back together and share your findings with the larger group
  • Summarize and identify key learning and opportunities

The program can be delivered in a modularized format (2 1/2-to-3 hour sessions spaced over time) or in a 2 to 2 1/2-day format. It usually involves not only the leaders of the organization, but also other key people representing a crosssection of all employees.

Topics Include:

  • The Transformation Model
  • Current Results
  • Business Environment
  • Current Strategy
  • Core Process
  • Structure
  • Systems
  • Culture
  • Opportunities & Plans

Effective Communication

Effective communication is an essential skill in today’s fast-paced business world. Effective communicators understand that communication is a complex process that can often be challenging.
Creating an organization in which communication is truly valued is more than just a good idea; it is good business. Organizations that choose to foster good communication skills will aid their employees in both their professional and personal development.

Topics Include:

  • Communicating effectively
  • Nonverbal communication
  • Listening effectively
  • Practicing using communication tools
  • Enhancing your communication skills

Communication Skills for Supervisors

Organizations that are strategically positioned to effectively compete in the global marketplace recognize that they must have supervisors who can communicate effectively.
This module will help supervisors understand the role communication plays in leadership. The role of a supervisor requires additional communication skills. Developing these skills takes time and effort, but results in more effective performance and higher productivity.

Topics Include:

  • Communication in leadership
  • Effective feedback
  • Making meetings work
  • Making presentations
  • Enhancing your supervisory communication skills

Managing Interpersonal Conflict

To stay competitive, high performance organizations realize they must effectively manage the interpersonal conflict that occurs among their employees. High Performance organizations are dedicated to developing employee skills needed to meet the challenges of an ever-changing marketplace.

Topics Include:

  • Understanding the elements of conflict
  • Recognizing conflict management styles
  • Tips for handling conflict
  • Enhancing your interpersonal conflict management skills

Managing Organizational Conflict

To increase high performance, managers must lay the foundation for dealing with and working through conflict. Managers need to have the essential knowledge about causes of conflict, types of difficult people and strategies for preventing and managing conflict.
This module will motivate managers to set goals and define actions for developing and enhancing their current conflict management abilities.
It will set the groundwork for participants to acknowledge the impact that conflict can have on their job performance and the positive effect that learning to manage organizational conflict can have on an organization’s bottom line.

Topics Include:

  • Identify causes of organizational conflict
  • Identify difficult people
  • Take ownership of conflict management
  • Enhance conflict management skills

Program Objective

To help sales professionals and sales managers increase productivity and improve interactions through specific goal-setting, time-leveraging, communication, negotiation, teamwork and leadership skills.

Program graduates are able to:

  • Set complete and measurable goals
  • Develop strategic plans for both sales and personal goals
  • Leverage time in accordance with those goals
  • Communicate to persuade
  • Use leadership skills and team effort to bring goals to fruition
  • Achieve higher quality, optimum performance, and consistent results

Topics Include:

  • Goal Setting and Planning
  • Leveraging Time
  • Communication
  • Negotiation
  • Teamwork
  • Pre-Work
  • Action Plan
  • In this module you will:

    • Define a version of customer service
    • Discover customer expectations
    • Recognize the customer experience
    • Enhance customer service skills

    Coaching Customer Service

    Effective customer service coaches focus their attention on monitoring performance, providing feedback and recognizing accomplishments. They direct their attention to every level of customer service delivery, working with superstars as well as low performers to improve their customer service skills.
    Organizations that place high value on attracting new customers, dazzle customers with their superior services and keep them long term, value the role that coaching plays in developing their workforce.

    Topics Include:

    • Understanding customer service coaching
    • Developing customer service coaching techniques
    • Coaching customer service personnel
    • Enhancing customer service coaching skills

    Core Strategic Decisions

    Strategy is defined as the way an organization meets the challenges and opportunities presented by its environment. It consists of a set of conscious choices about how it will deliver value to its customers and distinguish itself from its competitors.

    By participating in this program, you and members of your organization will:

  • Understand the challenges and opportunities present in your external environment
  • Identify assumptions about the future
  • Clarify a reason for being that motivates and inspires
  • Identify the principles by which people will conduct themselves
  • Define your future customers and how you will deliver value to them
  • Identify core organizational competencies needed to succeed in the long run
  • Create a long-term business focus that anchors and distinguishes you from your competitors
  • Set short-term performance goals
  • Establish performance initiatives and a master plan to manage your organization’s long-term development

    Topics Include:

    • Overview of Strategy
    • Analyzing Your Business Environment
    • Forecasting the Future
    • Creating a Core Ideology
    • Defining Your Strategic Direction
    • Defining Your Competitive Advantage
    • Setting Goals
    • Creating a Master Plan
  • Valuing the Individual

    Individual differences in the workplace must be sought after, nurtured and respected. High performance organizations understand this, but sometimes this is easier said than done. How do you coach workers not only to respect their colleagues as individuals, but also to seek out those coworkers as team members? How do you teach everyone to get along?
    In this course, you will discover the foundation for understanding diversity and developing the skills for working in environments and groups composed of diverse individuals.

    Topics Include:

    • Diversity in high performance organizations
    • Appreciating diversity
    • Using the advantages of diversity and inclusion for growth and expansion in a global marketplace
    • Communication guidelines

    Part 1: The Effective Supervisor

    • Identify the top ten mistakes of new supervisors
    • Identify competencies necessary for success
    • Identify individual strengths and opportunities for improvement
    • Develop ideas and a plan to improve your individual competencies

    Part 2: Legal Considerations for New Supervisors

    • Identify a supervisor’s legal responsibility
    • Discuss aspects of the employment Relationship

    Part 3: Leadership and Vision

    • Identify the role of vision in leadership
    • Identify the key characteristics of an effective vision
    • Create a personal leadership vision Statement

    Part 4: Motivating Others

    • Identify a model of motivation
    • Identify the differences and similarities between values and beliefs
    • Practice developing “win-win” situations when attempting to change others’ behaviors

    Part 5: Enhancing Your Supervisory Skills

    • Write a personalized action plan
    • Complete a performance plan to assist in professional growth and development

    What You Can Expect

    People who attend this program will learn a set of principles that will change the way they view their lives as well as their performance on the job. They will grow in self-understanding, confidence, personal effectiveness and their ability to handle the challenges/opportunities of the workplace. Such a personal transformation forms the foundation for organizational transformation.

    Emotional Intelligence: Personal Productivity & Profits

    At work and in life, we face key moments that are challenging, distressing, even painful. What manager has not wished their employees could work faster and smarter with fewer mistakes or meetings? Providing training on Emotional Intelligence and focusing on personal productivity pays off exponentially. It helps your staff understand that the reality of the key moment cannot change, but that the interior response to it is a personal choice. They can focus on the task at hand, and make the choices that are most productive without wasting time blaming, resenting or complaining. These will help them take responsibility for their choices. They will know their life goals and have a clear vision of the path they will follow.
    As your employees become aware of their own emotions and learn to control them in service of their life goals, your workplace will become not only more pleasant, but more productive. Sales forces will be more effective as they become more optimistic, more able and willing to surmount obstacles. All your teams will function more efficiently and productively when leaders choose to listen with empathy and team players take responsibility for their choices. Training in Emotional Intelligence increases managerial skills, team building and employee competence at all levels - and that inevitably improves the bottom line.

    Training your staff members in the following areas:

    • Conquering Key Moments
    • Embracing Reality
    • Exercising Responsibility
    • Defining Vision and Purpose
    • Acting with Integrity

    Valuing Who You Are

    Topics Include:

    • The Integrity Model
    • Conquer Your Key Moments
    • Embrace Reality
    • Exercise Responsibility
    • Clarify Your Vision
    • Define Your Purpose
    • Act With Integrity
    • Value Who You Are

    The Importance of Employee Engagement Go beyond catchy slogans and shallow efforts to keep employees on-target. True employee engagement requires a comprehensive and strategic approach that creates positive, lasting results when implemented effectively. Employee Engagement encourages productive and dedicated team members to have a vested interest in the company. Managers are motivated by positive results and a bottom line that benefits from increased employee retention and efficient operations. Simply stated, Employee Engagement is vital to building a successful organization.

    In this course participants will learn the following:

    • Diagnosing and measuring employee engagement within your organization
    • Assessing your own levels of engagement and discovering actions you can take to enhance it
    • Learning and practicing engagement essentials: tools to help align and build team commitment
    • Developing strategies for intentional engagement
    • Recognizing the role that respect and collaboration play in employee engagement

    Attendees who complete the Employee Engagement course gain an understanding of the concepts and skills necessary to empower the people in their organizations. Employee Engagement can give your team the ability to make a real and lasting impact on every aspect of your business, ensuring better communication, committed employees and organizational success.

    What You Will Gain

    High Performance Leadership: From Control to Empowerment will teach you how to be an outstanding leader within your organization. The principles and practices you learn in this program are based upon observation and research from the foremost authorities in the field of leadership.

    From the program you will:

    • Understand the five practices of the world’s greatest leaders
    • Create a clear and compelling vision of the future
    • Find an appropriate balance between the five major leadership roles (technician, manager, trailblazer, architect and coach)
    • Become a leader who empowers others and brings out their best
    • Learn how to organize and manage your priorities so that big things control little things
    • Recognize leadership qualities in yourself

    Structure and Format

    “High Performance Leadership” consists of eight modules (each two to three hours in length) that are scheduled and delivered at least one week apart. The modules include numerous individual and group exercises that make the training come alive and ensure that participants translate the principles into a personal plan of action. This program can be taught to a large group or even a single leader with the trainer acting as a personal coach. The number of participants, structure and format can all be tailored to fit the needs of your organization.

    Topics Include:

    • Principles of Leadership
    • Practices of Empowering Leaders
    • The Five Leadership Roles
    • Leadership Practices: A Self-Assessment
    • Personal Productivity
    • Fundamentals of High Performance Teams
    • Performance Expectations
    • Empowering Others for Success

    This course presents the elements of each Power, shows how to activate each Power, how to apply individual Powers and Power combinations. We provide a process for determining which Powers will be most easily activated in each persuasion encounter.

    The Friendship Power

    The keys to this power are trust and a common bond.

    The Authority Power

    By effectively showing credibility, knowledge and authority, you reduce the risk inherent in most decisions.

    The Consistency Power

    We are slaves to consistency. When we learn what others are consistent with, we can frame our request accordingly.

    The Reciprocity Power

    This is the well documented, universal psychological requirement for quid pro quo.

    The Contrast Power

    In the real world of the brain, objective values simply don’t matter: perceptions rule.

    The Reason Why Power

    Scientific studies create and validate the Reason Why Power. Ask without a reason, get turned down. Provide a reason for acting, and you persuade compliance.

    The Hope Power

    Hope is the strongest motivator of all human activity.

    Topics Include:

    • Action Plan
    • The Awesome Power of Persuasion
    • Persuasion Presentations

    A Few Principles of High Performance

    • The strategy and direction of the organization are clear and guide day-to-day actions and decisionmaking
    • Members of the organization understand the business and are committed to getting results
    • People govern themselves by shared values and guiding principles rather than rigid policies
    • People are organized, when possible, into self managing teams
    • Processes are streamlined and systems aligned to support the strategy and philosophy of the business
    • The role of management changes from controlling workers to creating an environment where people can be most effective

    What You Will Gain:

    As a business owner or manager, you face two challenges:

    • I. Meeting your short-term business and financial goals.
    • II. Building an organization that is sustainable over the long-run.

    You and other members of your organization will attend four modules, each one tailored to your schedule and needs, that will teach you how to design your organization to:

    • Take control of your future
    • Achieve outstanding results
    • Gain total commitment from your employees
    • Exceed your customers’ expectations

    Topics Include:

    • Traditional vs. HP Paradigms
    • Characteristics of High Performance
    • Building Trust
    • High Performance Tools and Plans

    Program Objective Our primary objective is to equip you with real and practical skills to make your career more productive and more rewarding. Our programs become your programs. We provide sales expertise; you enrich the program with your specific product and market expertise.

    Program Graduates Are Able To:

    • Understand the characteristics of top sales people
    • Know the difference between a peddler and a partner
    • Learn to ask questions that lead you to YES!
    • Write proposals that lead to closed sales
    • Set specific, achievable, trackable, sales goals that impact both personal and professional success
    • Relate long-term goals and objectives to short-term business planning
    • Build strong partnerships with clients to create loyal customers rather than just close sales
    • Profile client needs and match benefits specifically to meet those needs
    • Develop effective presentations that address client concerns rather than conduct “product dumps”
    • Handle objections with ease and use them as opportunities to close the sale
    • Service and maintain client relationships to generate repeat business and referrals

    Topics Include:

    • Partnering
    • Value Profiling
    • Developing Benefits
    • Presenting Solutions
    • Handling Objections
    • Closing
    • Putting It All Together
    • Pre-Work
    • Action Plan

    Speaking for a Lasting Impression is a training program intended for anyone who is interested in developing their ability to successfully present in front of a group of people.

    What You Will Do

    • Gain a clear understanding of the adult learning process
    • Develop techniques to capture and maintain the attention of the audience
    • Identify different types of presentations and the purpose behind each
    • Learn how to prepare your topics and deliver your message
    • Assess the key elements involved in successful presentations
    • Analyze how to increase retention and create a lasting impression
    • The fear associated with speaking in front of a group will only be overcome when you have delivered a successful presentation. Speaking for a Lasting Impression will provide you with the tools necessary to achieve this goal. Not only will you meet the needs of the audience, you will also gain self-confidence, pride and accomplishment.

    Topics Include:

    • Understanding the Adult Audience
    • Developing a Dynamic Delivery
    • Speaking with Conviction
    • Presenting with Purpose
    • Raising Retention

    Effective time management is essential to success. The most successful organizations in the 21st century require employees who are effective time managers, and know how to set and reach goals based on the organization’s vision and values.

    Organizations value employees who are able to:

    • Define time management
    • Prioritize time use
    • Adopt a time management approach
    • Enhance your time management skills

    Topics Include:

    • Model time-wise leadership
    • Manage leadership time
    • Use timesaving communication tips
    • Enhance time management leadership skills

    What You Will Gain

    In this program, you will learn how to interact with others in ways that build trust and win-win outcomes. Specifically, you will:
    • Learn the core elements of trust
    • Identify how we engage in collusive, weakening patterns of relating to others
    • Experience a change of heart and know how to break out of collusive patterns
    • Come to view others in a way that promotes unity, trust and goodwill
    • Understand the 3 phases of interpersonal dialogue and practice the dialogue skills
    • Commit to interacting with others in strengthening rather than weakening

    Structure and Format

    The Trust Factor consists of 8 modules (2 to 3 hours each) that are scheduled and delivered at least one week apart. The training comes alive as you participate in experiential exercises and role-playing helping you internalize the principles and skills that are taught.

    Topics Include:

    • The Trust Imperative
    • Collusion
    • A Change of Heart
    • Face to Face Communication
    • Interpersonal Dialogue: Core Principles
    • Interpersonal Dialogue: The Steps
    • Harnessing Harmful Behavior
    • Strengthening Our Relationship

    In this course participants will learn the following:

    • Diagnosing and measuring employee engagement within your organization
    • Assessing your own levels of engagement and discovering actions you can take to enhance it
    • Learning and practicing engagement essentials: tools to help align and build team commitment
    • Developing strategies for intentional engagement
    • Recognizing the role that respect and collaboration play in employee engagement

    Attendees who complete the Employee Engagement course gain an understanding of the concepts and skills necessary to empower the people in their organizations. Employee Engagement can give your team the ability to make a real and lasting impact on every aspect of your business, ensuring better communication, committed employees and organizational success.

    Program Objectives

    A major goal of this program is to provide sales managers with the skills necessary to effectively lead a sales team and to identify the key characteristics that will lead to success. The program is divided into five modules, each with specific learning objectives.

    What You Will Do

    • Gain a clear understanding of the primary responsibilities to increase sales performance
    • Learn how to find, recruit and hire top sales people
    • Identify the most effective ways to coach and develop a sales team
    • Analyze the best ways to coach and develop a sales team
    • Determine ways to motivate a sales force to produce remarkable results

    Set up systems for measuring performance, setting goals and tracking progress A sales manager’s success depends upon a team’s success. Becoming an effective sales manager takes determination, patience, drive and an undying will to help others succeed. As a sales manager, you will achieve success through effective leadership.

    Topics Include:

    • Learning to Lead Your Sales Team
    • Building Your Sales Team
    • Developing Essential Sales Skills
    • Achieving Results as a Sales Manager
    • Leading Your Sales Team with Momentum